Trends for the Future of Work That We Found in Europe

November was marked by Labora’s journey in Europe. In the first week, we were in Lisbon, Portugal, presenting at the largest global technology event, the Web Summit. There were about 75,000 participants, over 1,200 speakers, and representation from more than 160 nationalities.

In the second week, we traveled to Bilbao, Spain, for the 1st New Longevity Summit, organized by Ashoka, a global gathering of social entrepreneurs, prominent leaders, and local and international change agents. On this occasion, Sérgio Serapião, CEO of Labora, was one of the special guests for a presentation at the opening ceremony.

In the latest Conexão Liga Labora, Sérgio Serapião shared insights from the two events he attended and discussed trends for the future of work. Here are the main points:

ESG: Environmental, social, and governance issues have been assimilated by the market. Companies are now taking a more careful look at this agenda, focusing not only on financial aspects but also on environmental care and human relationships.

Inclusion of Seniors: The stereotype of the frail elderly is outdated. Older individuals are everywhere, engaging in activities that were once considered exclusive to the younger population. Seniors are asserting their place in society, and companies must prepare to welcome them into their workforce.

Talent War: In Europe, the impact of the labor shortage on businesses is already noticeable, signaling that the talent war will be a global challenge in the coming years. Companies will need to adapt to new work formats and reinvent their hiring processes.

Flexible Work Formats: New hiring models are becoming a trend. Companies will increasingly hire for projects and services, offering flexibility in work hours and locations.

Check out the full recap of the latest Conexão Liga Labora, where Sérgio Serapião shares his experiences at the Web Summit and the New Longevity Summit.

Watch here

About Liga Labora:
Liga Labora was established at the end of 2020 as a think & do tank aimed at accelerating the productive inclusion of generational diversity in the future of work. It was created by Labora in partnership with executive HR leaders to facilitate an ecosystem that discusses and implements generational inclusion in the workplace. Learn more at Labora’s website

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